Table of Contents


Creating EJBs is easy. Simply create a class with the appropriate annotations and deploy it as part of a .war or .jar.

Singleton EJB

Singletons can be useful, especially when you have big/costly resources (which probably need to be initialized at deployment, not when they are first needed). To do this add the @Singleton annotation to your class. If you want to do some initialization also add the @Startup annotation and a method annotated with @PostConstruct


@Lock(LockType.WRITE) // If you are unsure if your class is threadsafe, add this to forbid concurrent access.
public class RMMMapmatcher implements Mapmatcher {	
	private void init() {
          //some initialization stuff
        public String doSomething() {
           return "something";

Remotely accessible EJB

Please note that 'remote' here does not only necessarily mean “remote server” but rather anything that is not in the same application (and thus has a different classloader / different class visibilities). Generally remote access can be achieved by using the @Remote annotation. However things are bit more complicated when you want to cast the bean to a usable class (JNDI lookup returns java.lang.Object):

@Remote(Mapmatcher.class) //  interface from the bean-api.jar
public class RMMMapmatcher implements Mapmatcher {
 // implementation
Object o = new InitialContext().lookup("java:global/map-service/RMMMapmatcher"); // JNDI lookup 
Mapmatcher mm = (Mapmatcher) o; // cast to interface of bean-api.jar
// use normally .. 


There are several ways of using the EJB:

Lookup via JNDI

When the EJB is being deployed JBoss shows under which JNDI names it is registered. It should look something like this:

13:01:08,136 INFO  [] (MSC service thread 1-1) JNDI bindings for session bean named 
DefaultTraveltimeService in deployment unit deployment "traveltime-service.war" are as follows:


Knowing this name, using the EJB is straingtforward:

DefaultTraveltimeService s = (DefaultTraveltimeService) new InitialContext().lookup("java:global/traveltime-service/DefaultTraveltimeService");

Note that JBoss registers the EJB under several names which are visible to different contexts:

see for details

Additional Global JNDI names

The @EJB anntation can be used to register an EJB under addtional JNDI names:

@EJB(name = "java:global/MyBean", beanInterface = MyBean.class)
public class MyBean

However comining this technique with @Remote currently breaks the JNDI page in the JBoss 7.1.1 administration console.