Official, intermodal traffic reference system for Austria.
Downloads are available as part of the Open Government Data initiative here.
The dataset contains geographical and routing data, as Intrest Data Format (IDF) export.
Download A - Routingexport: IDF Gesamtfile of the dataset for routing purposes.
# from Timisoara to Sevilla "curl http://server.ip:5000/route/v1/driving/21.2250,45.7557;-5.9251,37.3682?overview=false" # coordinates are always lon/lat
# from Graz to Vienna curl "http://server.ip:5000/route/v1/driving/9.7303,47.4174;15.4571,47.0503?overview=false"
km distance matrix:
traffic data:
You will need a resourceful server with at least
git clone -b 5.21 cd osrm-backend/ mkdir -p build cd build/ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake --build .
Profiles define routing behaviour (turn restrictions etc).
Then decide which routing type you want: Dijkstra or Contraction hierarchies:
./osrm-extract -p profiles/car.lua the.osm.pbf ./osrm-contract the.osrm
Preprocessing the planet file takes about
osrm-extract -p profiles/car.lua the.osm.pbf osrm-partition the.osrm osrm-customize the.osrm
A tinier server is sufficient here.
For planet you'll need > 100G RAM.
For Europe I used one with 64G RAM.
git clone cd osrm-backend/ mkdir -p build cd build/ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake --build . # and install sudo cmake --build . --target install # uninstall is possible too sudo cmake –build . –target uninstall
Then you can start the service.
Note that with larger areas the service takes a few moments to start (europe: a minute or so). Pay attention to the log messsages to see when the service is accepting connections.
osrm-routed --algorithm=ch --max-table-size=1000 the.osrm # to allow for bigger distance matrix
osrm-routed –algorithm=MLD the.osrm